TIMEHUNT is a colorful spacious installation with a spiral shape which represents a symbol of the life force, the time and its cyclical rhythms, of man's life path, of birth and death. The spiral begins with symbolically represented circular gate (gate as an entrance into a new life, from which everything else derives, from which everything is born, the protective aspect of the Great Mother) with a semi-circular hole and beneath that hole there is a standing miniature figure of a man. He is so insignificantly small but proudly upright standing under that gate before his life path — the unpredictable river created by the soft structure of the forms of sponge. The river is a strong symbol of flowing time and life, of purification and movement.
"Timehunt" is invented coined word that puts emphasis on time as a variable category that you need to "capture", to grasp the right moment at the right time because it is irreversible. A man needs to act because the action changes the substance of the world versus passive floating on the river. "To capture the time without being allowed to be caught by it".