TUNNEL — ARCHETYPE PICTURES is audio-video installation that unites the microcosm with the macrocosm, the man and the great cosmos in the most uplifting act of creation, the genesis of the Universe. It reminds us of the interconnectedness and unity of all things, created with in common structure, the metaphysical principle of inseparable relationship of the part to the whole. This video — installation comprises three main emphases: male and feminine principles, tunnel (passage) and union (birth), each with its own symbolism in color. The language of the work of art is weaved through universal symbols, through archetype — primordial images. These are visual symbols of impressions, unconscious psychic contents of the collective unconscious that for centuries exist in our psyche in all nations and cultures, analogous to primitive ideas, myths and rituals that encourage the memory why we are here, a trip behind the illusion of reality.